Breastfeeding Preparation can be done in a 1-2-1 session or you can work at your own pace through my online program. Give yourself the best chance at breastfeeding by learning about breastfeeding and the early days before your baby arrives.
Consultations & Services
Breastfeeding Consultation
A breastfeeding consultation provides high quality 1-2-1 support for you, in your home or in a clinic working on any breastfeeding issues that you are having, from early day positioning and attachment, colic, reflux, allergies right through to starting solids or weaning.
Tongue Tie Assessment
Tongue-Tie affects is a condition which restricts tongue movement making breastfeeding, bottle feeding, or starting solids difficult or painful. Tongue-tie is assessed through functional assessment of the tongue alongside a complete breastfeeding consultation.
Breastfeeding & Fertility Consultation
Breastfeeding has a suppressive effect on fertility which can be different for each woman. Whereas some women get pregnant easily while breastfeeding, others can find it more difficult even with a toddler feeding infrequently.